Placerita Junior High Student CAREText
[email protected]
What is Student CAREText?
A student CAREText provides students and the community with easy access to report any potential behaviors of concern in others that might indicate a need for further attention. Each school site has a number or email address that can be used to alert school staff about the safety or well-being of others. Each member of our community has the ability to make a positive difference in the life of someone who needs help. If you see something, say something, and let’s take care of each other by making a confidential report. Once a report is received, the school site will evaluate the situation to ensure the student(s) have the needed support and resources to get back on track!
When should I report?
Cause for concern may be indicated by someone demonstrating the following behavior(s):
- Trouble controlling emotions
- Withdrawal from friends and usual activities
- Feelings of rejection or solitude
- Feeling constantly disrespected
- Frequent loss of temper
- Increased risk-taking behavior
- Talk of suicide or loss of hope
- Self-harm
- Declining school performance
A student CareText allows you to confidentially report issues.