Counseling » College and Career Readiness

College and Career Readiness


College and Career Readiness requires students to know more than just content. Students also need to demonstrate and apply what they know to solve problems. These skills include a blend of content knowledge specific skills, expertise and literacies.  The essential skills for success in today’s world include the following:

  • Learning and Innovation Skills (The Four C’s: Critical thinking, Communication, Collaboration, and Creativity)
  • Life and Career Skills
  • Information, Media, and Technological Skills


At the junior high level we encourage exploration of post-secondary options and possible careers based on students interests and abilities.

At Placerita we achieve this by :

  • Career speakers
  • Naviance assessments and assignments
  • Pathway to my Future 
Below are a few resources to explore for more info about Post-Secondary Education and Career options: